Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The moment she exploded...

I realize I should admit something to someone quite fast but I am having a bad time trying to come up with the words. I will finally admit to her soon, but just give me time ok. I don't want her to hate me, and she can if I don't do it the right way, or do it at the right time.

Alright, so I'm making excuses. Fine by today. Definitely will admit it to her by then. You can count on that.

Hmm, thank you to Hannah for making me feel better and for reading my blog. It makes me feel like my life is actually being read instead of just being randomly passed by. Or something which someone was forced to read.

Well, actually to most of the people, I do ask them to view my site, especially when I just changed my blog layout, which I do change a lot. In fact, I am planning to change it again, but at the moment, I'm not quite sure whether I should or I shouldn't because I am happy with this blog, plus, the layout is pretty nice. Also my Cbox is working perfectly well in it.

Anyway, there is going to be this prayer meeting this Thursday for Acts 29nerz. It's going to be at 7.00-8.30 pm at the AFC office. To any of the Acts 29nerz read this, if you guys are free on that day, do try to make it. As for me, I don't think I can be there as I have something to attend with my parents every Thursday.

Ah, it's so hard to say this one thing that I want to type about, but I can't reveal it because this is supposed to be a secret! I'm going crazy with the pressure of too much information. Honestly... Also, I feel like I'm the only one feeling this way. I have a feeling the other people involved aren't as pressured as me. This bites. I so need to say something about this if not I'm going to explode.


Lotsa love, Jana

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