Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Best/worst week of your life...

Let's see, my life here is as usual. Stagnant. Nothing much happening. Though I did hear a weird song yesterday. It was in tagalog [the mother tongue of the great Philip of Pines] and it was funny. But if you do think about it, it does sort of represent something.

Here's the english translation of it.

Monday is the day when we first met.
Tuesday, we saw each other again.
Wednesday, you said you were in love with me.
Thursday, I fell in love with you.
Friday was a day filled with love.
Our hearts were singing together.
Saturday, we got into a little fight.
By Sunday, you had already left me.
Exactly how fast it started, it had ended.

A week of love.

Does that even exist? It's an exaggeration at it's best. But...

When you think about it, that's how most breakups start and end. Though it does take more than week for that to happen all together, but that's basically how it is.

You meet him for the first time. One of you likes each other, and then a relationship starts. You get into a fight about something small and then it becomes big. A walk out of course would occur. It ends, just as fast as it began.


On a different note, I extremely like the songs of Parokya ni Edgar. So funny... I'd share more but most of them are in tagalog and well you translate it, it's not funny anymore.

Lotsa love, Jana



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