Sunday, December 31, 2006

A post before the real thing...

Well, I had plans on posting a whole bum-load of pictures today...

But unfortunately I'm stuck with a computer that doesn't have CD-ROM drive.

I didn't know those even exist anymore!

Anyway, so until I magically find one somewhere in this whole internet cafe that's free, I'm just gonna give you the pictures that I took with my phone.

Sort of like the appetizers before the main course...

Except these pictures actually want to make you throw up.

This is before everything was made up.

And this is the finished product.

Till I have the chance to post for real...

Well you just got to hold your vomits in just for a little longer.

Lotsa love, Jana



Blogger Forzavryheid said...


Why you have self-esteem issues is beyond me. : )

5:05 AM 
Blogger jana said...

oh haha. please...

flaterry won't get you far with me...

but chocolates will ^^

6:59 PM 
Blogger Forzavryheid said...

If I could hold off of chocolate long enough to be able to post it to you I would have...


9:27 AM 
Blogger jana said...

haha, well genuises do think (and are addicted) to the same things...

12:56 PM 

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