Saturday, December 25, 2010
Greetings to All
I'd like to take this opportunity, in between spoonfuls of food and bonding time with my brother and all the movies I've accumulated through the years, and say Merry Christmas to some very special people in my life.To my batchmates, Aletheia:
I love you guys. We've been through so many crap together that we actually have no choice but to get close to one another. You made my stay here in the Philippines so much more meaningful, and my stay at the College more than bearable.
To the people over the seas:
My unnies, my Bruneian buddies, my RP pals, my Canadian brothers, and this one British dude who I love with all my heart. It's hard to see you guys, like literally, but you've become people that even though miles away I can trust to be with me when I'm depressed and down and out. So thank you for that.
To my partners-in-crime:
To Jam, Nadie, Paola, Carla, Keiti, So Yummy, Friend Ko and Baks. You know everything there is to know about me, and you know with just one look whether I'm happy or not. It's been proven over and over again, that even though we stop speaking for longest period of time, we can still talk nonstop about anything under the sun. You guys are my sisters and my... well sisters (I'm kidding, Baks), not in the flesh, but every bit the spirit of it.
To my family:
To my Dad, my Mom and my brother, you guys are the best. The best group of people that I was blessed to spend most of my life with. You guys are awesome. I'm thankful for every single bit of good thing about me, and my personality, because every single bit of it comes from you guys.
To my boyfriend:
Heehee. Aww, you know I still can't believe that we're together, right? I'm so blessed to have you. You know you're lucky to have me, right? *wink* hehehehehe. I'm kidding, but joking aside I'm so thankful that you're willing to take me as I am, with all of my shortcomings and all of my mistakes.
To the most awesome Person ever:
Jesus Christ. Happy Birthday. Thanks for saving me and choosing me to be Yours. Thanks for coming down and though Your stay here wasn't that much fun, I know You loved it and it was worth it for You. With all of my heart, I love You.
Merry Christmas!!!
Lotsa love, Jana
Labels: Life in the form of chocolate, Love at its janajee-est
merry christmas....
Merry Christmas to you too XD
aaww... that was so touching. :') thanks! HAPPY, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
@Keiti; dude, you know I love you ;)
I just saw this.. Love you dude :3 *kisses*
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