Friday, March 18, 2011
A season ending is a funny thing.

Bonus love points if you can spot me ;)
It's hard to think that I've finally graduated from college. That I, Jana Glaiza C. Macabali, am now a bachelor's degree holder; a college graduate. Admittedly, I don't feel any different. I still feel like the same 17 year old girl, first stepping into the College, all excited and scared.

Look at me, all smiles and happiness :D
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad. Of course, I'm sad. I've spent 5 years in that college. To leave it and not feel anything would seem like I'm an actual robot. I met some amazing people in that college. The moment that I rode that MRT ride home from our Seniors' outing, alone, knowing that on Monday we won't be seeing each other anymore for classes. That moment? That moment crushed so hard, and I was just sitting there all mopey and depressed.
But I am excited. I'm excited for what this new season is going to bring me. Just as I was excited that I was finally leaving Brunei, and exploring the world of college in the Philippines; I feel just as excited leaving the world of FEBIAS College of Bible, a.k.a. the College, and entering a whole new world of the University of the Philippines, henceforth now known as Law School, and learning about it.
There is one thing that's different though.
Back then, I was so excited to leave Brunei, with it's bad memories and it's general horribleness with only a pinch of happiness, but now I'm only slightly excited to leave the College, with it's great memories and it's general awesomeness with only a pinch of sadness.
I'm happy that I managed to get into Law School, but know this. I may be a UP student now, but I will always be a FEBIAS-student-alumna by choice, heart, and home.
Being all cool with my shades and the wind in my hair
See you all in the future, it's going to be a blast.
Lotsa love, Jana
Labels: Life in the form of chocolate, Olden days, Philip Of Pines, Schoolingness
I just love you. I really can't say much more than that. You are awesome and keep being so or else I will destroy you :P BIRO LANG! Law School doesn't know whats coming ;)
Oh, Jana, love! My deepest words of congratulations to You! Some period in your life ended, but a new one is awaiting. Who knows, maybe more thrilling? Maybe more eventful? Maybe more boring?
I count on your reporting on your Uni's haksaeng life. And I miss you so, so much^^
Be bright!
@Brandon; thanks. I love you so much too. This coming school year is going to be a blast!
@Ate Ethlenn; I misssssss you too!!!! Been busy with fixing up some papers and stuff for my enrollment to Law School, but I'm going to be active online again sooooon. I miss you all so very much :)
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