Sunday, July 20, 2008

Me and Turtle...

A shocking revelation!

Did you hear? Hear what? That she did it. Oh-emm-gee, she actually did it? Nah that can't be, she isn't as idiotic as that, right? But doesn't her brain die every second? No idiot, it's every millisecond, get your facts straight. Who cares, as long as it dies continually, and it is so unbelievable, I never for a moment ever expected her to do something as idiotic as this. But I heard she really did.


Oh Emm Gee, she really did!

*dramatic music*

Has Jana no shame?! Is she actually going to post a picture of her and Turtle making out??!!! Truly her brain has gone to lower and lower depths, depths that can no longer be reached by the imagination and like dude, the word bottomless is only but a crude understatement.
The horror!!! Nooo!!!

She is shameless! Shameless, I tell you! Nothing good will come out of this!!!

Oh the shame of it all!. She should be stoned to death! She should be murdernalized to bits and pieces!!

Explanation: Everyone, with a significant other, in my messenger list seem to be sporting pictures of their significant other kissing them. I got bored... and also slightly envious and hence I called upon my magical powers and summoned my Turtle and took shameless pictures of us making out.

I'm sorry baby, I had to put shame to your good turtle name. It must have been the rain. The rain makes me do stupid things.

Lotsa love, Jana

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