Thursday, July 15, 2010

It Is

Before the year started, I had a feeling that 2010 was going to be of my best years.

Halfway through, it's been the best one yet. I know it's too early to tell, but I think it's just going to get better. I mean yeah, there have been some crappy days, but the great days always make up for it. So much that I've already forgotten those crappy days filled with crappy reasons.

There is this one crappy event recently, but I am in no mood to dwell upon extended family issues, because I've long accepted the fact that extended family, aren't really the greatest people for me to rely on.

I do apologize for not having updated in a while.

But, not like anyone ever really reads this site anyway.

Things have been going great. School is good. Friends are good. Immediate Family is good. Turtle is always goooooood. Everything is basically on the enjoyment level of gooooood. I even have a great way to spend my free time.

Will probably update when things go topsy-turvy again.

Lotsa love, Jana

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Blogger Ethlenn said...

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5:39 PM 
Blogger Ethlenn said...

My dear, from this on, your life will be brighter and better. Live to the fullest, don't regret and be bold in your dreams!
You know, you always have some unnis in Europe!

5:40 PM 
Blogger jana said...

@Ate Ethlenn; Thanks muchos! I'll forever keep that in mind! :)

6:26 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey bud, I read this site every update, I mean how else am I supposed to know whats going on in the wide world of Macabali?

Miss you kapatid, hope you are doing well, even better than 'good', I hope everything is serene.

God Bless and all the best ;)

2:14 AM 
Blogger jana said...

@SD; BRAAAAAAAAAANDOOOOOOOON. I miss you. I want to see you sooooo much. Come back, I need some happy love and laughter. AND YOU CAN BRING THAT EDRALIN WITH YOU!

2:44 PM 

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